Welcome to My Website!

I’m a Board-certified naturopathic doctor and coach based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where I’ve been helping people since 2004.
I treat a range of family medical issues but specialize in hormonal complaints, digestive issues, allergies, spinal health and mental health – including depression and anxiety.
My passion is helping people discover how our thinking, feeling, and willing impact our nervous system and thus our overall health. This is the focus of my practice and a key principal of Anthroposophical medicine.
This is a space where I share programmes, ideas, videos, and all things wellness, to help you live your healthiest life, as happily as possible!
Apart from being a doctor I have also been owning and overseeing clinics in both the USA and UAE for the past seventeen years. I am a founder of The Chiron Clinic (Dubai) serving as CEO and Managing Partner for the past seven years.
I earned my degree in 2003 in Toronto, Canada. I am a member of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada, The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, The Hawaii Society of Naturopathic Physicians, The British Medical Acupuncture Society, the British Herbal Medicine Association, and the American Functional Medicine Association.
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